Monday, April 18, 2011

A blast from the past

As I write this I am taking a break from writing my papers and studying for my exam. it is hard to believe that I am going to be on summer break after Thursday! Where has this semester gone?

This past weekend I went to Wolverhampton to visit an old friend, Emma. Emma was my next door neighbour growing up. We saw each other everyday, no joke. From the age of one until I was 9, she lived right next door. We both moved away from Saudi in 1999 and I saw her briefly in 2006 when my parents went to Bahrain to interview for a job, but that was a large dinner with lots of folks and old friends so it was hard to pay attention to just one person. So before saturday I hadn't hung out with Emma for 12 years, yes, it had been that long. Isn't it scary how fast time flies when you look back at it?

Anyways, we got together and just had a great time. we reminisced about life growing up and the compound we lived in, Green Valley. We both agreed that Saudi Arabia is possibly the best place to grow up. We lived on a safe compound, had pools, play grounds, tennis courts, a rec center, a store and a restaurant. Our parents didn't have to worry about cars because everyone who lived there had kids and drove slowly around the compound. One of the best things about the compound, is that there was always someone to play with. We played so many games, bike tag (don't ask me how that worked), tag, 40-40 and so many others that escape my mind at the moment.

We took ballet lessons because everyone else was taking them. I do not believe we were very good at ballet, but we wanted to be there with everyone.  The photo below is one of our ballet performances. I have the bright blonde hair and Emma is leaning over talking to me. You see, we both had solo performances at this show, I was a sailor and she was the lady who swallowed the fly (i believe). Leah, sitting between us, got to wear the pretty ballet outfit.

You see meeting up with old friends is always so much fun! It was great just hanging out for the five hours that we had. Hopefully it won't be that long before we see each other again. We have changed a bit as there is now proof that we have hung out in the photo below!

its a monday night. I have three finals due tomorrow. two of them are essays that I have written and ready to turn in. One of them is in class with notes, so I have that all prepared. I can't believe it is the last day of class! I have two essays due later this week and then I am on summer vacation. I have my internship on Wednesday and Thursday but come friday it is summer. Summer is April? that is SOOOOO bizarre! I am going to norway on saturday, coming back to London for the royal wedding (yes, i am a tourist) and then flying to Los Angeles for a couple of days and back to saudi in 2 weeks! it is insane!

I will write more on friday as a reflection to my time here, but until then I hope all of you have a great week!

Although it is not Sunday, I hope everyone had a blessed Palm Sunday and I hope you enjoy your Easter Week!

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